What can I change after I’ve added questions to my role?
When your team needs to make quick changes to your role, we want that to be as easy as possible while respecting the fairness between candidates and ensuring the quality/validity of your organisation’s overall data. We’ve improved how you can edit and update your role’s assessments/questions at most stages of the hiring process.For any other requests, please contact hello@beapplied.com.
Action | Sift questions |
Interview questions |
Multiple choice questions |
Admin questions | CV questions |
Adding questions
To add questions, make sure your role is set to “Draft” (and don’t forget to set the role to “live” after if you’re ready to receive applications). Setting your role status to “draft” ensures that candidates open the newest version of your application and are not caught between updates to your role. |
You can add interview questions and additional rounds at any point in the hiring process. |
To add questions, make sure your role is set to “Draft” (and don’t forget to set the role to “live” after if you’re ready to receive applications). Setting your role status to “draft” ensures that candidates open the newest version of your application and are not caught between updates to your role. |
To add questions, make sure your role is set to “Draft” (and don’t forget to set the role to “live” after if you’re ready to receive applications). Setting your role status to “draft” ensures that candidates open the newest version of your application and are not caught between updates to your role. |
You can add interview questions and rounds as much as you need at any point in the hiring process. |
Removing questions
You can remove questions if candidates have answered but have not been scored/reviewed on the question. If the question has been scored, we do not allow removing the question as this affects fairness and data. |
You may remove questions at any point in the process unless your team has reviewed more than 5 candidates using this question. After 5, we block removing questions to ensure fairness between candidates and to make sure changes affect as few as possible. |
You can remove questions only when there are no answers given to the question (these questions are automatically scored as soon as candidates answer them). You may need to set a role to draft to remove the question. |
You may remove questions at any point in the process, even if the question has been answered. |
You may remove questions at any point in the process, even if the question has been answered. |
Editing content |
Titles: You may change the titles of questions at any point in the hiring process. Body of question: All edits are allowed if there are no candidate has answered the question. If there are answers submitted for this question, you may still make small changes, but bigger changes will be blocked to ensure that all candidates are being asked the same question. Review guides: If this is an original question your team created specifically for this role, you may make changes to review guides at any point in the process. If this question has been used before by your organisation in a different role, changes to the review guide are allowed unless candidates have submitted answers to this question. This is to prevent unexpected changes to your organisation’s library or past role data. Tagged skills: You may make changes to your tagged skills as long as there are no candidate answers submitted.
Titles: You may change the titles of questions at any point in the hiring process. Body of question: All edits are allowed if you have not yet scored candidates. If there are scores attached to the question, you may still make small changes but bigger changes will be blocked to ensure that all candidates are being asked the same question. What’s a big change? Review guides: If this is an original question your team created specifically for this role, you may make changes to review guides at any point of the process. If this question has been used before by your organisation on a different role, changes to the review guides are allowed unless candidates have been scored. This is to prevent unexpected changes to your organisation’s library or past role data. Tagged skills: You may make changes to your tagged skills as long as there are no reviews. *You may duplicate Applied templates to change the content and then delete the original. |
Titles: You may edit the title of questions at any point in the hiring process only if they’re questions you created from scratch for a role (you may need to set your role to draft first). You can only make edits to questions from your organisation’s library before you get answers to the question. Body of question: All edits are allowed if the question was created from scratch on the role, even if there are answers to the question and (you need to set the role to draft first). You can only edit questions from your organisation’s library before you get answers to these questions. Adding/editing the multiple choice options: Only possible to do it before you get answers to the question. Tagged skills: You may change your tagged skills even when candidates have answered the question, but only for questions created from scratch for the role. You need to set the role to draft first. |
Titles: You may edit the title of questions at any point in the hiring process only if they’re questions you created from scratch for a role (you may need to set your role to draft first). You can only make edits for questions from your organisation’s library before you get answers to the question. Body of question: All edits are allowed if the question was created from scratch on the role, even if there are answers to the question and (you need to set the role to draft first). You can only edit questions from your organisation’s library before you get answers to these questions. Changing the multiple choice /free text option, flagging an eligibility option: All edits are allowed if the question was created from scratch on the role, even if there are answers to the question (don’t need to set the role to draft). You can only make these edits on questions from your organisation’s library before you get answers to these questions. |
Work is currently in progress to make this question type more flexible. Coming soon |
What else should you do if you change questions after a role has gone live?
It's always good practice to let know any candidates who have already started their application. You can inform candidates by:
1. going to the Manager of the role for which you changed questions.
2. selecting all candidates (started and submitted applications).
3. sending them an email, by selecting the 'email candidates' option from the blue ribbon at the bottom with core manage tasks.
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