Here are 4 quick steps that you can follow for shortlisting candidates based on the scores they get on their short-answers to Sift questions.
1. Go to the role for which you'd like to shortlist candidates, then go to the candidate management page (under "manage" section).
2. Once in the candidate management page, sort candidates by their Review scores and select those you'd like to reject based on a threshold set by you and your team. You can set this threshold according to the distribution of scores that you observe or any other criteria (e.g. number of candidates that you'd like to move through to a next phase).
3. Once candidates to be rejected are selected go to blue ribbon at the bottom and select the 'mark candidates as rejected' option. After selecting this option, a template email will appear.
4. You can edit the rejection email and send the final version by clicking on the 'mark as rejected' button. Please take into account the following before sending emails:
a. You can edit all the fields of this email (i.e. from, reply to, subject, body), but...
b. Please keep the *|TOFIRSTNAME|* and *|URL|* tokens.
- the *|TOFIRSTNAME|* will become each candidate's name once you send emails. This will make your message feel more personal.
- the *|URL|* token will become the personalised feedback link that each candidate can access to check how well they performed up to this specific stage of the recruitment process.
c. Select 'Unsatisfactory Applied Sift Scores' as the rejection reason. This will help you get accurate reports for each recruiting stage. Additionally, the message sent to candidates through the feedback links will be customised to this specific rejection reason.
d. You can decide to not send a notification to candidates. There is the option to "mark them as rejected without sending an email".
What happens next?
As soon as you reject candidates with unsatisfactory Review scores, the list of candidates that you see on the candidate management page will refresh and it'll contain everyone above the score threshold that you set.
You can then move these candidates through to a next stage. For example, you can invite them to interview.
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