One of the most efficient ways to schedule interviews via Applied is to:
- First, coordinate with your hiring team and place a 'hold' on available time slots in their calendars.
- Then, invite candidates to book in to those available interview slots on a first-come, first-served basis via the platform .
This article explains how you can use Applied’s Scheduling Assistant to do the first step: hold interview slots with your hiring team. Go to this article if you also want to learn how to invite candidates to book a slot on a first-come, first-served basis.
What is Applied’s Scheduling Assistant?
Applied’s Scheduling Assistant is a customised email address that you can use to create time slots from your work calendar, which are then visible on Applied and for candidates you then invite to interview.
How to book slots with your team using the Scheduling Assistant?
You do the usual booking with the interview panel via your workplace calendar, by first checking their time availabilities.
You can also use your company’s video communication software (e.g. Zoom, Teams, Google Meets) to generate unique links and then add them to the location field.
Finally, you add the Scheduling Assistant as a guest, just as you would add a person's email address to an event invite.
Check this video with the step-by-step and some recommendations that will help you get the best out of this Scheduling Assistant:
The 4 main steps are:
1. The checklist for success
On Applied, go to the role for which you’re arranging interviews and make sure that:
- You’ve created the round for which you’re booking interviews, including the desired duration of this round.
- Have added interviewers to the hiring team
2. Get Applied’s Scheduling assistant
You'll find it on the role’s interview schedule/calendar. You'll get a specific assistant for each interview round.
3. Go to your company's calendar to hold times as usual and:
- Add interviewers and Applied’s Schedule Assistant as a guest.
- Adjust the duration to match the duration of the interview round you created on Applied.
- Add the interview link to the location field (e.g. Zoom, Teams, Google Meet)
- Send your meeting invite!
4. Duplicate as many slots as you want to save time
Save time on the previous step by doing this step. Make sure that the unique video link in the location field is different if this is how you want to manage interviews with candidates.
Note: you'll get emails from the Applied Team indicating if you were successful at creating these slots and taking them through to Applied, or if there's something that needs an action from you in order to be successful at creating the slots.
What happens next?
🎉 That's it! you're all set and ready to go back to Applied and invite candidates to interview.
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