Why explain?
Explaining the process to candidates will help secure the candidates’ buy-in for completing their application. Knowing they’ll be assessed anonymously and with a clear skill-focus can also help convince candidates from a minority background, candidates with career breaks or caring responsibilities as well as career switchers to apply.
How to explain?
Here’s some suggested wording that you can adapt. All the text in [brackets] needs your attention.
“At [company name] we use Applied for our recruitment. Applied aims to overcome unconscious bias in recruiting. Instead of using your CV [alone], we'll be asking you to answer questions to test skills needed for the role. The responses are then anonymised, and reviewed in a random order by members of our team.
The Applied platform also asks some demographic questions before you start your application. We at [company name] never see the responses to these demographic questions with your application. We only see summary statistics to help us check if our candidate pool is balanced and if everyone has an equal chance to get hired irrespective of their background. If you prefer, you can easily opt out of answering these questions.”
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